20/01/2024 -

Wow time went past quickly -- two years??? Wow!
(so much for updating here soon lmao)
It'll take a little bit to catch up on any recent developments with other sites, but (hopefully!) I can get things going again, for the time being enjoy the new tiny blinkie on the home page ♡
08/08/2021 -

It's been a hot minute! No real updates for today, but just checking in to say I'm Still Alive and will get back to updating here Soon!
15/06/2021 -

- removed most of Tutorials > Balancing a Checksum, on account of Reflet's tool that recalculates it for you! note it cannot balance edits that make the overall file longer without extra prep
- added a note to Tutorials > Editing Personality about the new checksum tool
- added a section at the end of Tutorials > Balancing a Checksum on how to balance longer edits using Petzbyte
The current two experiments in the Workshop still need rewording, to clean up mentions of the old method, but I don't want to edit to many pages at once lmao. It's super exciting to have the tool though! There's a lot of Potential for it.
Updates might be slow for a little bit, 'cause I'll be busy in the next month or so, but mega kudos to Reflet for Petzbyte!
07/06/2021 -

- added another experiment, Gene Swapping, to the Workshop
- added a note to Tutorials > Balancing a Checksum that you need to delete bytes when balancing higher edits
I really need to draw up a proper welcome banner, but I'd like to have at least something on each page before prettying up the Home page, there's just so much to do!
One of these days I'll update all the pages in the right order SKDJFVBSDJKFVB
02/06/2021 -

- added the first experiment, Litter Swapping, to the Workshop!
01/06/2021 -

- added some placeholder banners to the Workshop
31/05/2021 -

- added a new page, Balancing a Checksum, to Tutorials
It's fairly late at night right now, so apologies if the formatting for tables looks off, I haven't tested it yet lmao. I'm also currently editing and organising one of the first experiment pages, so expect that soon!
28/05/2021 -

- added a definition for 'individual values' under Tutorials > Terminology
27/05/2021 -

- added Brain Slider values to the Genome, as well as a mostly unfinished section
- added a definition for 'intro-stripes' under Tutorials > Terminology
- added a list of the six p f magics under Tutorials > Terminology, these definitions will be split into separate entries eventually, but the list needs organising first
i'll find a better way to organise the Genome as more sections are added, my end goal is to have it sorted by individual values, genes, kitten data, etc! i'll also make proper tutorials on finding all the anchors i keep making up names for, all in good time!
26/05/2021 -

- added the first study, Personality Inheritance, to the Workshop's Research section!
- removed unborn kitten/puppy individual personality values from the to-do section of the genome, as they don't exist
24/05/2021 -

- corrected Dogginess Personality Gene value in the Genome, this is why we don't edit pages at 3am lmaO
- corrected y-band definition in Terminology, kitten/puppy gene inheritance still needs looking into!
- added a note on the Editing your Pet's Personality Values tutorial that GoalDescriptor Analyser won't work on pregnant petz
- finaLLy fixed images on small screens! there's still a few aesthetic things that need fixing, but it's good enough for now
23/05/2021 -

- added Personality Values and Personality Genes to the Genome
- added the first tutorial, Editing a Pet's Personality Values!
- totally did not fix image displaying on mobile, an attempt was made
22/05/2021 -

- gave the site a proper mobile layout, the pixels are a little blurry but hopefully it should be readable now!
- added a terminology page in tutorials, some of which are definitely made up
i'm starting with some basic tutorials first, i also need to fix how images display on mobile but that's for Tomorrow Me
21/05/2021 -

- continued creating site! wow, so busy!
i still need to add everything ofc, but it's a start! i probably need to fix the layout on like, everywhere, seeing as it only really works at my exact resolution SDVDFKJVB
20/05/2021 -

- created site!